Psychometric Online Tests

What are Psychometric Online Tests?

Our tests are carried out online at a supervised location as part of your recruitment process. Potential applicants can take the test from a computer at your office with an internet connection. Results are then sent directly to our psychologists for scoring and interpreting. You then receive a PDF report of our interpretation of the results. You also have the option to receive an SMS reminder as soon as your results are in. Payment can be made via secure credit card if preferred!

Why use psychometric tests?

Certain personality traits and intellectual abilities have a demonstrated link with job performance. Psychological/Psychometric tests can objectively assess for these traits. A wide body of research has shown that these tests are a cost effective way to significantly improve staff selection, retention and development. In industries where risk management is critical, objective assessment of these tendencies makes for a more compliant workforce to safe work practices.

Why are cognitive ability tests and why use them?

Cognitive ability tests are commonly used to assess verbal, numeric, and general reasoning ability.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that cognitive ability tests are one of the strongest predictors of employment outcomes across occupations. As jobs become more complex, the importance of cognitive ability increases.

The verbal reasoning test measures the ability to think and reason with words and to read and understand textual information. It supports the ability to communicate effectively using written and oral information, and a range of related competencies. Numerical reasoning measures the understanding of mathematical processes. These may involve both abstract and concrete numeric problems, and a range of related competencies. When these two test scores are averaged, this score provides a reliable measure of the general mental abilities that are typically required in work environment (composite score).

What are personality tests and why use them?

Personality tests provide detailed information on an individual's reasonably enduring traits, (i.e., behavioural characteristics and interpersonal style). The Big Five Model of Personality, built around five key personality traits, has the strongest research backing for selection and development purposes.

The most reputable test, and the international industry gold standard for assessing the Big Five, is the NEO-PI-R. The extensive body of research published in leading academic journals underpins its quality. Other versions of the NEO currently lack satisfactory research backing.

The NEO-PI-R not only measures these Big Five traits; it also breaks each trait down into six sub-traits. Taken together, the five traits and thirty sub-traits facilitate a comprehensive and detailed assessment of adult personality. These traits and sub-traits are:

  • Emotionality: Anxiety, anger, depression, self-consciousness, impulsiveness, vulnerability
  • Extraversion: Warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement seeking, positive emotions
  • Openness: Fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas, values
  • Agreeableness: Trust, straightforwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty, tender-mindedness
  • Conscientiousness: Competence, order, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-discipline, deliberation

Staff selection - competency

Increasingly research is showing that the NEO-PI-R can predict both overall job performance and performance against specific job competencies. Through combining research findings with extensive clinical psychological experience, we have developed a unique ability to profile personality against specific job competencies. These insights are then integrated with cognitive ability tests results, to provide an individual profile mapped specifically against individual job requirements.

Staff selection - competency

This report provides information on an extensive range of variables relating to negative workplace performance factors. These include:

Counter Productive Work Behaviour

  • Overall Counter Productivity
  • Interpersonal Deviance
  • Organisational Deviance
  • Expressed Anger Behaviours

Work Interfering Behaviours

  • Procrastination
  • Work Avoidance
  • Turnover

Risk and Safety

  • Negative Risk
  • Workplace Accident Risk

The report is entirely based on research and the database that provides the basis for this report is continually updated and weightings modified as new research comes to hand. Where possible correlations from the most recent meta-analyses are used.

How are risk taking tendencies assessed?

Up to 85% of all safety incidents in the workplace can be attributable to psychological factors. Assessing for risk taking tendencies is critical in many industries.

Scores on a range of personality traits are analyzed to provide an individual ranking of risk taking and safety tendencies (where this is relevant to the position). This ranking system is based on research findings (published in highly regarded academic journals), and extensive clinical experience.

The risk taking profile provided differentiates between positive and negative risk taking tendencies. An individual with a high level of positive risk taking tendencies needs novelty and excitement; however they plan carefully how they manage risks (e.g. successful entrepreneurs). Individuals with a high level of negative risk taking tendencies are more likely than most to engage in negative risky behaviour (e.g., alcohol and drug abuse, and illegal or illicit behaviours).

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